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Tindana Kubilla

Set Up Manager

Tindana leads the complex set up arrangements in Ghana to ensure the first phase of implementation is successful. Tindana leads a large team delivering set up activities.

Tindana has over ten years’ experience working in the developmental spheres in several sectors, notably Maternal, Child & Health Nutrition (MCHN), Cottage Industries, Evaluation Research, WASH, Youth Incubation and Acceleration across the length and breadth of the Northern Savannah, North East, Upper East and Greater Accra regions of Ghana.

Tindana worked to train over 1000 Ghanaian Youth to acquire soft skills and a good attitude for the job market and in start-up business creation for self-reliance. He contributed to achieving this goal in the youth of Senegal in Dakar and St. Louis through the Global Affairs Canada-sponsored Equality Work Improvement Project.

Before joining Lively Minds, Tindana worked with Crossroads International as a Volunteer Recruitment Consultant of African & Canadian expatriates for CI African Volunteer Cooperation Programme.

Tindana studied at the University for Development Studies, Ghana Institute of Languages and Centre Internationale des Langues de Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. He is passionate about managing an initiative of a germinant virtual French language study platform dubbed ‘Parlons Français’.

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