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Invest in rural mothers as change-makers in their children's learning

Play Scheme at Ntokolo Village, Uganda

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed January 24 as the International Day of Education to celebrate education and reflect on the importance of learning as a vehicle for fostering peace and development.

If we build peaceful and prosperous communities, we must ensure everyone is involved - both men and women, for it’s said that parents are the first teachers for their children.

That’s why the Lively Minds Parenting Course has been specially designed for rural mothers to teach them cost-free ways to support their children’s development using the resources they already have. The course not only gives the mothers skills but also transforms them into active participants in their children's education.

Our resolve and commitment to investing in parents to make their children’s education a reality give a million reasons to join the world in celebrating this day.

Lively Minds came to our community when all my children were old and out of school. I am, however, proud that through this parenting course, I have been given the skills, knowledge and opportunity to teach my grandchildren and other children in the community.”-Grandmother from Budhebera Village, Imanyiro Sub-county, in Lively Minds Parenting Course.

My heart beats with joy when I see thousands of mothers, each committing just 2.5 hours of their time every week to teach children in their Lively Minds-supported Play Schemes. These Play Schemes have given a new lease of life to the mothers who derive their pride from the transformative change they are contributing to for now and posterity.

The saying is true that when all people are given access to education, it leads to social progress, economic growth, and peace. We are witnessing this first-hand in the communities where the Lively Minds community Play Schemes are running.

My humble call and appeal to all caring and concerned people of the world is that may this fifth International Day of Education get us to make fresh commitments to investing in parents, especially rural women, as game changers in providing education services, especially for young children.

Written by, John Kamwaka Twesigye, Uganda Country Director, January 2023


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